Monday, June 26, 2006

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Best Books in Indiana

Indiana is known for more than our stupendous corn crops. We have some darn good writers, as was evidenced at the Best Books of Indiana competition awards ceremony held at the Indiana State Library on June 15, 2006. The Best Books competition is sponsored by the Indiana Center for the Book, a program of the Indiana State Library and an affiliate of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. This program was established to stimulate interest in books and reading and to highlight Indiana's most talented authors. This year's winners include: Fiction-Ian Woollen, Stakeout on Millennium Drive (Shreveport, La.: Ramble House Press, 2005); Children's Literature-Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Abuelita's Secret Matzahs (Cincinnati, Ohio: Emmis Books, 2005); Poetry-Karen Kovacik, Metropolis Burning (Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2005), and Non-fiction-Bruce Smith, The War Comes to Plum Street (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2005). Our congratulations to some of Indiana's finest authors. If you would like to know more about the Best Books of Indiana Competition, please visit our website at