Thursday, October 19, 2006

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I have tried to understand

what is meant by this Web 2.0 that I've been reading about. Until now, I hadn't read anything that made the slightest bit of sense to me; that is until today.

It seems that the Web 2.0 is more user centered and interactive than what is now referred to as Web 1.0. Whereas 1.0 was mostly web pages and a few graphics, Web 2.0 includes many user generated lists, videos, music etc., not to mention chat.

I found this through a (where else?) a library blog at Click here to visit the blog and view the entire entry.

Google Documents and Spreadsheets

One of Google's newest features is an online word processor and spreadsheet program. I can't say that I've really investigated it fully, BUT it would be great for kids to use here at the library. Why? It never fails that they are working on a project for school and the computer dies and takes the user's documents/work with it!

Since the kiddos are using an online document editor they can save to their own space on the web and NOT lose their work. The service is also fantastic if you are working on a collaborative project between three or four people. Instead of having to e-mail a particular document to each person, simply use Google Documents and you won't have to worry about who uses which word processing program etc. Click here to go to Google Documents.

Kids and computers!

A few weeks ago we had all three sixth grade students from Olive Elementary (at separate times) come over for a computer class. Even though the kids knew the basics they definitely needed help on a few more "advanced" things like copy/paste and even copying an image from a scanned article or website into their documents. We also visited and Google Earth.


We had Jr. High - Sr. High aged kids who are being homeschooled and the same program was offered to them. Because of the age ranges we couldn't quite get the detail necessary for the older kids so we did a fifth class geared just for them!

It's nice to see that our "little" library is serving its public like this!

Something different and fun.

Yes, it's supposed to be a library blog, but libraries are many different things to many different people. SO. As a devotee of Swing and Big Band music I give you this at

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A note from the Indiana State Library @ the Williamsport Public Library

October 18, 2006

The Wednesday Word: News from the Indiana State Library


By Faye Terry (

Around 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 8, the Williamsport-Washington Township Public Library (WWTPL) caught on fire due to arson. The library, which was just built in 2002, was destroyed. An article published in The Commercial-News (Danville, IL) on October 13 reports that plans are already underway to find a temporary location for the library, and that Library Director Chris Brown plans to begin rebuilding as soon as possible ( Many people in the library community have contacted the Indiana State Library's Library Development Office asking what they can do to help. Virtually the entire collection is gone, and Indiana libraries will be asked to help supplement the collection once a temporary site for WWTPL is decided upon.

In the meantime, monetary donations may be sent to The Williamsport-Washington Township Public Library Fund, Main Source Bank, 120 North Monroe Street, P.O. Box 201, Williamsport, IN 47993. Watch the INCOLSA-L and INPUBLIB listservs for announcements about the timeline for donating materials and lists of what will be needed. To support WWTPL during this trying time, the Indiana State Library has already provided laptop computers, a printer, T1 line funding for one year, and the balance of the Gates Foundation 50/50 grant so that a server or additional computers may be purchased. We look forward to working together with Indiana libraries and WWTPL staff in the months to come to ensure that the vibrant and essential public library services the community of Williamsport has enjoyed in the past are re-established. A photo gallery of the fire and the damage done has been updated today on The Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN) Web site and can be accessed at

For more information about the Library, please visit us in downtown Indianapolis or online at

Update on Williamsport Public Library fire

Click here for story and photos

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Indiana public library fire

Williamsport Washington Township Public Library fire was arson.